30 DAY BEGINNER CHALLENGE [Full Course] Beginner Level 🎸

The ultimate crash course for beginners! 30 lessons to be watched with daily practice guides. πŸ“…
The full video course is available right here on YouTube, so start your learning today! ❀️

Want to check out the complete course? 🧐

πŸ‘‰ https://www.guitarclub.io/courses/30-day-beginner-challenge

You'll get a beautiful write up for every lesson, interactive tab, progress tracking, a pathway of learning, personal mentors and so much more!

Or, become a Guitar Club subscriber and get access to this and every single other course on our site.

πŸ‘‰ https://www.guitarclub.io/

Have a great day learning, and we'll see you soon πŸ”₯🎸